Monday, April 14, 2014

Grosz and Rocker

"Indeed the subordination of space to time in western though [...] is one of the most complex issues in the history of metaphysics." (Krell,31)

"Spacing is of interest in as much as it exceeds the conceptual order it makes possible." (Wigley, 79)

These two points go hand in hand with the readings by Grosz and Rocker, which deal with a the dynamics of space and movement. 

The Future of Space: Toward an Architecture of Invention

There are two different times; a time of differance and a time of knowledge. The focus of this essay was upon that of differance, a seeming temporalization of space and spatialization of time. The dichotomy between spacing and temporization is one that allows space to emerge from non-time or a time of interval. This allows for virtuality to seep into existence, meaning that space and movement are simultaneously dynamic. This generates the modalization of space; a rift between what "is" and "isn't." 

Some key points were that:

  • abstract space is nothing but the mental diagram of infinite divisibility
  • space is a field for the play of virtualities
  • space emerges through motion
  • the past is only idea, the present is ideo-motor - a series of unhingings
  • contrast between finite moment and infinite past

Versioning: Evolutionary Techniques in Architecture

There is the potential for a dissolving differential data-design that no longer simply 'exists' but 'becomes.' These two words are key to both of the readings. Existence emerges through an understanding of time and processes, becoming an object or space or motion that can be simultaneously understood and controlled. In our dynamic world, "nothing but change persistently takes place." Since we are able to instantaneously project and produce, objects are dynamically 'in-formed.' Through the repetition of difference, finessed objects can emerge, refined to the point of pragmatism, warranting careful studies in form making. 

Some key points were:

  • Repetition of difference
  • Data-design escapes the realm of the prior-anticipated
  • differentiation can dissolve into figures out of 'nothing'
Finally is defined as the continuous process of differentiation. Different versions or iterations are used in order to resolve problems at a w holistic level; such as those of the automobile, airplane, and certainly architecture.

Krell, David Farrell. Architecture: Ecstacies of Space, Time, and the Human Body. State University of New York Press. New York. Print. 1997
Wigley, Mark. The Architecture of Deconstruction: Derrida's Haunt. The MIT Press. Cambridge. Print. 1993

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